All reviews for category Veronica - Speedwell

Veronica spicata Alba

Veronica spicata Alba

Product sheet

Excellent condition upon receipt. I'm looking forward to the flowering.


Planted tiller

Dominique Fournier

The foliage of the shoots is not lanceolate and appears to be affected by a disease. Distinct foliage for this speedwell, a matter to be followed. End of stock.... PROMESSE DE FLEURS RESPONSE: Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we will proceed with replacement or refund.

Y Gouzin

Will go wonderfully well with the other plants in the flowerbed.

emmanuelle lacroix

Stimulating plant

Hervé Simon

I'm waiting for its flowering.

Anne-Marie THIAULT

Good recovery
Good recovery - assessment of the flowering on a previous order: good quality of flowering.

Jean-Paul Gallmann

I was very disappointed with the young plant that was sent to me. A small, fragile stem came out of the bucket. When I see my Veronica spicata in my garden, I have doubts about this plant. Thankfully, the other perennials I ordered were correct. PROMESSE DE FLEURS' RESPONSE We are sorry because we attach great importance to the quality of our plants and their growth. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we will proceed with replacement or refund if necessary.

Martine Lagouche

in shape
young plant that appears to be in good habit

Agnès Amelin

Nothing to say. It's planted and it's shooting!

Jocelyne DUFOUR