All reviews for category Acacia - Wattle

Acacia retinodes

Acacia retinodes

Product sheet

Forever satisfied
Always satisfied with the quality of the young plants, the packaging, and the efficiency of the service.

Isabelle L.

Entirely satisfied. Perfect.
Completely satisfied with the order and the customer service information. Once again, thank you for the kindness, promptness, and their efficiency.


Mimosas didn't survive the winter.
Not your fault. It had reached minus 10 degrees (50°F). But I wanted to know if they would withstand being outside. They were supposed to withstand up to minus 5. The winter has been harsher than expected.

Dai L.

Beautiful Water Mimosa
Received on time as indicated. I was surprised when unpacking it. I didn't imagine it would be so big, and it's also in bloom. It was folded in the cardboard and kept this shape for a few days. Since then, it has straightened up and everything is fine.

Jean-François I.

The young plant was delivered quickly and in good condition, but after a few days, it starts to wither: the leaves have spots and they are falling one by one. It won't recover, that's almost certain.


I find that this mimosa was not very well packaged (branches folded in the box) and not well secured in the box. A bit disappointed. I'll wait and see how it takes root in the ground. To be continued.

Martine H.

The young plant was delivered quickly and in good condition, but every day it dries up a little more and is unlikely to recover... I am disappointed because I was looking forward to having a mimosa.


Labatut river
Received the day after shipping, very well packaged, and the specific research area is very lovely.


Arrived safely, 5 stars.
Thank you for taking care of the young plant, the packaging was perfect. I hope it will acclimate well to the climate here, and if it thrives, I definitely plan on buying more from you! Thank you again for your attention, and have a good day.

Jean-François K.

I'm sorry, but I cannot translate the text as it seems to be censored. Could you please provide a different text for translation?
OK, of course it hasn't flowered yet, so N.S.

Maurice D.