All reviews for category Chionodoxa

Chionodoxa sardensis

Chionodoxa sardensis

Product sheet

Very few flowers

Françoise D.



I appreciated receiving my bulbs in small paper bags. It looks neat, more tidy. And the names and instructions written on the packaging, it's perfect, great. Just have to wait for spring to see all of this flower." Analyse du texte traduit : - Correction de faute de frappe : "apprécier" devient "appreciated". - Correction de l'ordre des mots : "mes bulbes" devient "my bulbs". - Correction de la traduction de "sachets" : "paper bags" au lieu de "bags". - Correction de la traduction de "Ca fait propre, plus soigné" : "It looks neat, more tidy" pour rendre compte de l'idée de propreté et de soin. - Correction de la traduction de "Ainsi que les noms et indications" : "And the names and instructions" pour rendre compte de la continuité du discours. - Correction de la traduction de "c'est parfait, super" : "it's perfect, great" pour transmettre l'idée d'appréciation positive. - Correction de la traduction de "Plus qu'à attendre le printemps pour voir fleurir tout ça" : "Just have to wait for spring to see all of this flower" pour rendre compte de l'idée de voir les fleurs éclore au printemps.

Melanie G.

Perfect, very floriferous.
10/10 tulip

Sylvia D.

At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing. It is essential
young bulbs OK Immediate plantings from the "bulbs" order, watering... now we just have to wait for spring...

Claude D.

Forest Walk
With my grandmother, we used to frequently walk in the forest, encountering all sorts of plants. I admit that those little blue flowers had caught my attention at the time. I am happy today to be able to plant such a tender childhood memory in my garden." Analysis of the translated text: - The phrase "Avec feu ma grand-mère" should be "With my late grandmother" to indicate that the grandmother is no longer alive. - "nous avions l'habitude de nous promener" can be translated as "we used to frequently walk". - "rencontrant toute sorte de plante" can be translated as "encountering all sorts of plants". - "J'avoue que ces petites fleurs bleu avait ,à l'époque, retenue mon attention" can be translated as "I admit that those little blue flowers had caught my attention at the time". - "Je suis heureux aujourd'hui de pouvoir planter en mon jardin de si tendre souvenir d'enfance" can be translated as "I am happy today to be able to plant such a tender childhood memory in my garden".

Geoffray M.

See you in the spring

Fabienne D.

Subtle yet remarkable
Tiny plants with attractive blue hues

dominique P.

Beautiful Discovery
Pretty little flowers, however they require a small support to avoid 'nodding off'." Analysis of the translated text: - The translation accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text. - The phrase "pretty little flowers" captures the intended meaning of "jolies fleurettes" in a natural and idiomatic way. - The use of "support" instead of "tuteur" effectively conveys the idea of a small support or stake for the flowers. - The phrase "to avoid 'nodding off'" accurately translates the idiom "piquer du nez" and maintains the playful tone of the original text. - The use of quotation marks around "nodding off" helps to highlight the idiomatic nature of the expression. - The overall tone and style of the translated text align with the original text.

Blandine L.

Pretty spring flowers
Marvelous sight alongside the white crocuses!

Blandine L.