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All reviews for category Galanthus - Snowdrop

Galanthus nivalis

Galanthus nivalis

Product sheet

I'm sorry - I bought a pack of 30 and only 12 to 15 have bloomed. The small bulbs were not very fresh. I would like to buy some for next year - but the freshest ones possible. Please!" Texte traduit : "I'm sorry - I bought a pack of 30 and only 12 to 15

Naomi M.

St Vaast Lès Mello
Beautiful flowers under a tree, but actually quite small.

Marie Christine

At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural problems, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing. It is essenti
I love snowdrops. I already have several varieties, but I don't have any huge carpets like when I lived in Reims. The soil seems less suitable for them. The bulbs were healthy and well packaged. Planted immediately.


Gisors (27) Normandy
Well-packaged and robust bulbs. Now, we wait..." Analysis of the translated text: The translation accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text. There are no spelling or grammar errors, and the structure of the sentence is correct. The tone of the original text is maintained in the translation. The text is linguistically correct.


At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential errors. This includes spelling mistakes, grammar errors, structural issues, as well as language awkwardness or inappropriate phrasing. It is essenti
I was missing these first spring flowers." Analyse de la traduction : La traduction est correcte sur le plan linguistique. Il n'y a pas de fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire ou de structure. Le ton du texte est conservé.


Fontenay-Sous-Bois" -> "Fontenay-under-Wood
Cute and small, a little quicker to flower than other snowdrops which brings touches of light, but flowers are less visible due to their small, drooping size." Correction de la traduction : "Cute and small, a little quicker to flower than other snowdrops, which brings touches of light, but the flowers are less visible due to their small, drooping size.


Bulbs always very beautiful at PDF. Group together for a more stunning effect." Analysis of the translated text: - The use of "bulbs" and "PDF" is correct. - The phrase "always very beautiful" is grammatically correct, but it could be improved by using a more idiomatic expression such as "always stunning" or "always gorgeous." - The phrase "Group together for a more stunning effect" is grammatically correct and conveys the intended meaning.


94 Bonneuil
Beautiful bulbs, Received on time, always well prepared.


No snowdrops have appeared in my garden." After carefully analyzing this translated text, I can confirm that there are no potential errors in terms of spelling, grammar, structure, language awkwardness, or inappropriate phrasing. The tone of the text has been maintained throughout the translation. The document is linguistically accurate.

Carole A.

Not all of my young plants have emerged, but the ones that have are very delicate and beautiful, although they are flowering later than I expected." Analysis of the translated text: - The word "plants" has been replaced with "young plants" to accurately convey the meaning of the original French text. - The word "floraison" has been translated as "flowering" to maintain consistency with the glossary provided. - The past tense "ont été" has been translated as "have been" to match the tense of the verb in English. - The phrase "très délicats et jolis" has been translated as "very delicate and beautiful" to accurately convey the intended meaning. - The phrase "plus tardive que je ne pensais" has been translated as "later than I expected" to maintain the same tone and meaning as the original text.
