All reviews for category Freesia

Freesia Simple Blanc

Freesia Simple Blanc

Product sheet

I have pampered them, now it's up to them to make an effort.

noelle dickson

Quality bulbs, awaiting growth.

didier thieurmel

To be seen
The bulbs look healthy. I planted them as soon as I received them. I'm hoping for a beautiful bloom.

Marthe Coconnier

The delivery box was damaged but the plants inside were not. Now we have to wait for them to grow. The delivery was very fast.

Laurence Stévant

Beautiful bulbs received promptly.
BUT I have already had some unpleasant surprises with the blooming of Freesias... I still have hope with this new attempt.

Sylvie Petiteau

I have placed and received several orders in the past few days to take advantage of your interesting promotions: everything arrived very quickly and in excellent condition. I have transplanted into pots or planted in the ground, taking into account the cold... I will give updates a little later.

Marie-Eva PLARD

Good-sized bulbs
I received the bulbs well packaged, they look beautiful! Can't wait to see how they will turn out in my planters.

celine moulard

Very well the following year

Jeanne Rozpeczny

Currently, 5 shoots out of 20 planted. RESPONSE FROM PROMESSE DE FLEURS We apologize as we place great importance on the quality of our plants and their success rate. If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we will proceed with replacement or refund.

Jérôme ULL

We would still need to have received the package!

Clarisse Berge