All reviews for category Biennials - autumn annuals

Carex oshimensis Evergold - Oshima Sedge

Carex oshimensis Evergold - Oshima Sedge

Product sheet

Plant arrived in good condition, as shown in the picture.


Interesting herb (evergreen and easy to grow)
The Carex Oshima Evegold is an interesting herb as it is evergreen and its cream color is very pleasant (although personally, I prefer the "Everillo" variety). Some advice, however: > It is better to take them already grown; they will resist better and the recovery will be better than if they are taken too small in a bucket (or, in this case, prefer to plant them in spring rather than autumn). I also recommend mulching them at the base (do not plant them among other herbs, which will quickly "eat" them). > All exposures suit it - mine do not burn in the sun. > Another tip: do NOT PRUNE THEM SHORT like Miscanthus, otherwise you risk killing them. Indeed, these herbs, unlike Miscanthus (Chinese reed), are EVERGREEN; so it is enough to "clean" them in spring (just remove the dead parts). The fact that these herbs are evergreen is also an excellent asset if you want a colorful garden even in winter. You can also associate them with other colorful evergreen foliage such as the blueish foliage of lavenders, the red-orange foliage of nandina domestica (varieties "Gulf Stream" for orange & "Obsessed Seika" for red), and the bright tones of lonicera nitida (box honeysuckle) "Baggesen's Gold" and "Lemon Beauty". You can also add a mahonia Media "Charity", for the magnificent shape of its shiny leaves, very original (which can be chosen to keep small by pruning, or let it grow, but it takes up space), and a pyracantha (the "Saphyr" varieties are resistant to fire blight), which will dazzle you in May with its myriad of small immaculate white flowers, followed by magnificent red, orange or yellow berries, which you can admire in autumn and also part of winter. Such an association (like the one I have in my own borders, for evergreen plants) will produce a stunning effect, in addition to requiring zero maintenance in the long term (all these plants being virtually "indestructible", in addition to being beautiful). Finally, dwarf varieties of abelia (semi-evergreen) will add the finishing touch! You can also opt for the different varieties of Berberis Thunbergii (you can find all the forms and colors you want), which keep their foliage for a very long time and, therefore, can almost be considered semi-evergreen. For a beautiful contrast effect, I recommend the following varieties: "Orange Rocket", or the smaller variety, "Orange Ice" (almost fluorescent all season), "Golden Torch" (a yellow flame, then orange in autumn, which does not burn in the sun), or "Golden Carpet" depending on the shape you desire, or "Diabolicum" (always in yellow tones, marbled with orange as a bonus). The "Harlequin" variety, on the other hand, turns pink in summer. Finally, the "Atropurpurea" variety remains burgundy (then red in autumn). Unfortunately, too many French gardeners overlook these plants because of their thorns, even though they are, in my opinion, MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL than many roses, which are also very thorny, in the sense that their evolving colors will enchant you throughout the season, and offer a spectacle just as striking as flowers, but with the advantage of lasting much longer...

Rebecca N.

Easy plant, decorative in winter (placed in a pot). In summer, I put it in the shade or semi-shade.


Field of plants arrived in good condition - will be planted tomorrow - lovely little clumps.


Very beautiful young plant, a lovely display from the planting.


Beautiful young plant. Adds clarity to the garden. I planted it with blue fescues and 'Everillo' Oshima sedge, with a sublime acid/chartreuse green color, as a border plant and ground cover (foreground). Evergreen foliage, therefore an additional interest throughout the year.


High Savoy
As soon as received, as soon as planted..., what a pleasure every time! Magnificent young plant, overflowing from its pot, a marvel mixed with my Heathers and Alumroots!


My sedge is beautiful, it has developed well.

Aude A.

Beautiful young plant, it will bring some sunshine to my flowerpot amidst the other plants.


beautiful young plant
Brings a lovely habit to the borders.

Pierre C.