All reviews for category Calluna - Common Heather

Calluna vulgaris H.E. Beale - Heather

Calluna vulgaris H.E. Beale - Heather

Product sheet

The Ferrière-Aux-Etangs
Field of young plants in good condition, secure packaging for transportation, delivery within 48 hours. I am looking forward to the regrowth in spring.


High Pyrenees
Can we keep them at home?

Catherine Leroy

Calluna vulgaris Spring Torch - Heather

Calluna vulgaris Spring Torch - Heather

Product sheet

Smaller perennial plant than the reference image, but very resilient.


Very beautiful young plant. Thank you very much. I would like to know if it is the same young plant on this website please. Thank you


Calluna vulgaris Silver Knight - Heather

Calluna vulgaris Silver Knight - Heather

Product sheet

Saint Vincent De Tyrosse" would be translated to "Saint Vincent of Tyrosse" in British English.
Hello. I planted this young plant as soon as I received it because it was really small, and a week later, I can't find it anymore. Maybe I forgot where I put it, but I've searched my garden thoroughly, and it's not there! I am disappointed. I would be grateful if you could replace it for me. Thank you in advance. Kind regards, Odile.


Calluna vulgaris Radnor - Heather

Calluna vulgaris Radnor - Heather

Product sheet

I received beautiful well-developed and well-protected plug plants in the package for transportation.
