All reviews for category Kaufmanniana Tulips

Tulipa kaufmanniana 'Fashion'

Tulipa kaufmanniana 'Fashion'

Product sheet

CORK/Wallonia/Belgium." Analysis: The translation of the text is accurate and maintains the same tone. There are no grammatical or spelling errors. The structure and language used are appropriate.
Fully satisfied. Thank you. Analysis of the translated text: The translation accurately conveys the meaning and maintains the same tone as the original text. There are no spelling, grammar, or structural errors. The language used is appropriate and there are no awkward phrases. The document is linguistically correct.


At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential errors. This includes spelling mistakes, grammar errors, structural problems, as well as language clumsiness or inappropriate phrasing. It is essent
Attractive colour for this pruning of a good neck." Analysis: - The word "col" was incorrectly translated as "pruning" instead of "neck". The correct translation should be "neck" as it refers to the size of the bulb. - The word "taille" was incorrectly translated as "pruning". However, in this context, "taille" means "size" or "dimension" and not "pruning". Therefore, the correct translation should be "size". - The phrase "bulbe de bonne taille" should be translated as "bulb of good size" instead of "pruning of a good neck". - The word "coloris" was not translated, but it should be translated as "colour" in this context. Corrected translation: "Attractive colour for this bulb of good size.


Tulipa kaufmanniana 'Show Winner'

Tulipa kaufmanniana 'Show Winner'

Product sheet

lovely bulbs
The bulbs are of good quality and the diameter stated on the website. Having already planted this variety in the past, I hope to achieve good results as these tulips are very beautiful. Analysis of the translated text: - The translation accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text. - The terminology "bulbs" and "variety" has been used correctly. - The word "jolies" has been translated as "beautiful" to maintain the same tone as the original text. - There are no spelling or grammatical errors in the translated text. - The structure and language of the translated text are appropriate and maintain the same tone as the original text.

Chazai M.

Isle of France
Perhaps I planted them incorrectly, too deep, but they didn't come out much, not well-developed. It seems like you really have to respect the 8cm (3in) in the soil, maximum. Otherwise, you end up like me with dwarf stems and flowers at ground level... The variety isn't great, you need to be well aware of that if you buy it." Analysis of the translated text: - "didn't come out much" could be rephrased as "didn't emerge much" - "not well-developed" is grammatically correct but could be improved to "underdeveloped" - "respect the 8cm (3in) in the soil" could be changed to "adhere to the 8cm (3in) in the soil" - "end up like me" could be changed to "end up like I did" - "dwarf stems" could be changed to "stunted stems" - "be well aware of that" could be changed to "be fully aware of this


At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural problems, as well as language clumsiness or inappropriate expressions. It is e
According to my expectations. Flowers very sturdy." Analysis of the translated text: - The translation is grammatically correct and maintains the same tone as the original text. - The word "flower" has been correctly translated as "flowers". - The adjective "robustes" has been translated as "sturdy", which accurately conveys the meaning of the original text. - No spelling mistakes or structural issues are present in the translation.

Tessa V.

Tulipa kaufmanniana 'Ice Stick'

Tulipa kaufmanniana 'Ice Stick'

Product sheet

These are very positive reviews about this tulip that prompted me to choose it. It is much prettier than its photo here. Closed, the subtlety of the colours is a delight. Open, it is a condensed form of good mood when it reveals its golden yellow background in a wide star. Analysis: - "Fermée" is translated as "closed" - "Un régal" is translated as "a delight" - "Ouverte" is translated as "open" - "Un condensé de bonne humeur" is translated as "a condensed form of good mood" - "Dévoile" is translated as "reveals" - "Fond jaune d'or" is translated as "golden yellow background
