All reviews for category Freesia

Freesia Double Mix

Freesia Double Mix

Product sheet

Item delivered in a clearly labelled packet
The bulbs are delivered in a paper bag with a label attached, allowing for the correct identification of the bulbs. This is convenient when the order includes different bulbs and plants.

André B.

Waiting for blooming
The bulbs received are in good health, now I can't wait to see them bloom in my garden and smell their sweet fragrance.

Nadine M.

to be seen
I believe that only those ones may not have suffered.

nicole L.

Freesia Simple Blanc

Freesia Simple Blanc

Product sheet

Out of 40 bulbs, none has sprouted!! Disappointed! ????


No issues with the dahlias. However, out of 60 freesia bulbs, none have sprouted. Rainy spring and summer of 2021. If I manage to find a few healthy bulbs during autumn digging, it will be a miracle.


None of the 60 bulbs ordered have sprouted. They were planted as soon as they were received.


MOLIERES (24480)
Correction of the last update. The bulbs that were planted in a large pot with a André Lenôtre rose and a Jasminum polyanthum have been flowering since the end of March with their iconic fragrance. Climate change, perhaps? The latest bulbs received have been planted in the ground immediately upon arrival. Looking forward to their growth and the next fragrant bloom.


MOLIERES (24480)
2nd purchase. Finally, the old bulbs that had disappeared are blooming in March, despite a very rainy winter and morning frosts! It's hard to understand... Planting the new ones as soon as they arrive. Looking forward to their growth and the next fragrant blooming.


Gave absolutely nothing. Amazing.

Nathalie F.

Healthy Bulbs
Bulbs in good condition. Waiting for the next fragrant blooming.

Nathalie F.