All reviews for category Bottle Gourds

Squash Trombetta di Albenga - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Squash Trombetta di Albenga - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

coublevie" translates to "hedge bedstraw" in British English.
This courgette is great... resistant to mildew... the seeds are at the end of the courgette... you can get tender courgettes of one meter with a fragrant taste... however, you need to plan for it to climb... I plant it at the bottom of a bamboo teepee... and I mulch at the base, it doesn't need a lot of water.


Calebasse Africaine Bio - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Calebasse Africaine Bio - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Product sheet

Flines Lez Mortagne" translates to "Flines near Mortagne" in British English.
Out of 10 seeds planted, only 1 has sprouted. I am disappointed.


Hello! I am very satisfied with the seeds I received. They are not very easy to find... Brilliant and thank you.

Vincent N.

hard to find
I have only sown one seed, as it's a bit late in the season. I recommend Promise of Flowers for the quality of their seeds and their young plants.

Bernadette A.

Quick germination. Nothing to report.

Guilene G.

Very well
Very pleased with the order and the very fast delivery.

Marie Anne D.

A lot of professionalism in the handling of what was, however, a "small" order. Thank you and looking forward to working with you again.

Francoise P.
The advantage of thrift stores is that you can always negotiate a price with the seller.

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