All reviews for category Aquatic perennials

Hippuris vulgaris

Hippuris vulgaris

Product sheet

Poorly packaged young plant, the leaves were stapled with the paper, impossible to unwrap without damaging it. It doesn't look well, I'm waiting to see if it recovers...


Plant arrived in good condition but unfortunately died after one week.


Paris region
Arrivées en très bon état, quelques jours après leur installation elles se dressent fièrement et j'attends avec impatience qu'elles neckisent mes bassins


MOLIERES (24480)" would be translated to "MOLIERES (24480)" in British English as it is a proper noun and does not require translation.
1 vine-plant ordered in a well-rooted bucket. Planting upon receipt in a natural pond near a rock to purify the water. It has already straightened up and the tips are well green and above water level. Good packaging. Waiting for it to take root.


Etaimpuis" is a small town located in the Normandy region of France.
Plantfit: not suitable for the rockery


Great, it has spread to my pond, very nice.


QUESNOY SUR DEULE" can be translated to British English as "QUESNOY UPON DEULE".
Strangely, has completely disappeared from the edge of the pond. However, I have exactly the same one as in the picture and I placed them exactly in the same spot.


The Barroux
Arrived in perfect condition, although very small, they have doubled in size in just 5 days since being placed in the pond. I am delighted.


Bernay-En-Champagne (72240)" would be translated as "Bernay-En-Champagne (72240)" in British English as it is a place name and a postal code.
Field of plants received in very poor condition, sadly my entire order is catastrophic, and this is not the first time, unfortunately!


Bernay-En-Champagne (72240)" translates to "Bernay-En-Champagne (72240)" in British English.
Field of plants received in very poor condition, unfortunately my entire order is catastrophic, and this is not the first time, unfortunately!
