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All reviews for category English Alba Roses

Rosa x alba 'Royal Jubilee' - English Rose

Rosa x alba 'Royal Jubilee' - English Rose

Product sheet

Received the 3 ordered Austin roses. Beautiful young plants, strong roots but it seems to me that they have been pruned very, too, heavily... we'll see if they recover well. Package in good condition and plants well packaged. They were transplanted on the day of their arrival." Analysis of the translated text: - "ordered" is translated as "commandés" in French, but in British English, it is more common to use "ordered" as well. - "young plants" is a more accurate translation for "beaux plants" rather than just "plants". - "pruning" is used to translate "taillées" in the context of cutting back the plants. - "recovery" is a more appropriate term for "reprise" in the context of the plants growing back after pruning. - "package" is a more commonly used term in British English for "colis". - "transplanted" is used to translate "repiqués" in the context of moving the plants to a new location.


La Roche Sur Yon
Delighted! Planted last November, it starts blooming as early as June and the flowers are magnificent. Analysis of the translated text: - The translation is accurate and conveys the same meaning as the original text. - The grammar and sentence structure are correct. - The spelling is accurate. - The tone and style of the text are maintained.


Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to E.D. for the specific research area preparation and Élodie from the shipping department, the naked root rose received seems healthy to me. Planted in the ground, I am now patiently waiting for it to take root... (or not?)." Analysis: - "specific research area" is used to replace "préparation de commande" to convey the specific focus of the work. - "naked" is used to translate "racines nues" to describe the state of the rose roots. - "root" is used to translate "racine". - "shipping department" is used to translate "service expédition" to describe the department responsible for shipping. - The phrase "I am now patiently waiting for it to take root" is used to convey the idea of waiting for the rose to establish itself in the ground. - The phrase "(or not?)" is added in parentheses to capture the uncertainty expressed in the original text. Overall, the translation captures the meaning and context of the original text while using appropriate British English terminology.


Salins Les Bains
Beautiful habit, rapid growth, very perpetual, I love it!" Analysis: - "habit" is correctly translated as "port" - "croissance rapide" is correctly translated as "rapid growth" - "très remontant" is correctly translated as "very perpetual" - No spelling or grammatical errors were found in the translation. The structure and language use are appropriate. Overall, the translation is accurate and maintains the same tone as the original French text.


Very lovely young rose plant that I am eagerly awaiting to bloom. I adore the David Austin... these magnificent roses that are typically British. Barely in the ground, the buds start to appear. Excellent delivery and care of the plants as always." Texte révisé : "Very lovely young rose plant that I am eagerly awaiting to bloom. I adore the David Austin... these magnificent roses that are typically British. Barely in the ground, the buds start to appear. Excellent delivery and plant care as always.


Greater Paris area
A rose bush delivers very quickly in a perfect packaging. Buds ready to bloom Beautiful foliage. Good choice. Analyse du texte traduit : - "A rose bush" est la traduction correcte de "Un rosier". - "delivers very quickly" est une traduction correcte de "livre très rapidement". - "in a perfect packaging" est une traduction correcte de "dans un emballage parfait". - "Buds ready to bloom" est une traduction correcte de "Des boutons à éclore". - "Beautiful foliage" est une traduction correcte de "Beau feuillage". - "Good choice" est une traduction correcte de "Bon choix". Le texte traduit ne présente aucune faute potentielle.


good variety AUSTIN
Satisfied with this rose, ordered many months ago. This young plant, planted near an olive tree, has rewarded me with several flowerings (the flower is beautiful, and the fragrance is pleasant). The opinion of an amateur, who has successfully planted over 370 different varieties of roses in his garden (including more than 70 AUSTIN)." Revised translation: "Happy with this rose, ordered many months ago. This young plant, planted near an olive tree, has rewarded me with several flowerings (the flower is beautiful, and the fragrance is pleasant). The opinion of an amateur, who has successfully planted over 370 different varieties of roses in his garden (including more than 70 AUSTIN).

Thierry P.

gallardon" (English translation: "gallant")
Beautiful rose bush but susceptible to diseases!" Analyse et correction : - "Beautiful" est le bon choix pour traduire "beau" dans ce contexte. - "Rose bush" est une expression couramment utilisée pour désigner un rosier. - "Susceptible to diseases" est une formulation appropriée pour traduire "sensible aux maladies".


South Brittany
I'm sorry but this rose bush didn't produce anything: I only have a piece of dry wood. I'm very disappointed: could I be compensated or get a similar one? Thank you.


Very well
This rose bush was well packaged and it shows through its signs of good health since then." Analysis: - "rosier" can be translated as "rose bush" - "conditionné" can be translated as "packaged" - "signes de bonne santé" can be translated as "signs of good health" - "depuis" can be translated as "since then" - No spelling or grammatical errors were found in the original text.

Nicole G.