All reviews for category Roses for pergolas

Rosa x wichuraiana Veilchenblau - Rambling Rose

Rosa x wichuraiana Veilchenblau - Rambling Rose

Product sheet

It grows well green, it settles, in partial shade we will see well." Analysis of the translated text: - The translation of "pousse" as "grows" is accurate and maintains the meaning of the original text. - The translation of "vert" as "green" is correct and conveys the intended color. - The translation of "il s'installe" as "it settles" captures the idea that the plant establishes itself. - The translation of "en mi ombre" as "in partial shade" accurately conveys the level of sunlight required. - The phrase "on verra bien" has been translated as "we will see well," which maintains the meaning of observing the growth and development of the plant. Overall, the translation accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text in British English.

Bernadette B.

Vigour" At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing. It is
Well taken, foliage very dense, in the garden of a secondary residence where I don't go often.

Cecile H.

Very satisfied with the young plants purchased on your website, I highly recommend it for the promptness of the deliveries, the order tracking, and above all the quality of your products." Analysis: - "plantations" is translated as "young plants" to maintain the botanical context. - "achetées sur votre site" is translated as "purchased on your website" to convey the idea of buying plants online. - "je le recommande" is translated as "I highly recommend it" to express a strong recommendation. - "rapidité d'exécution des envois" is translated as "promptness of the deliveries" to capture the efficiency of shipping. - "suivi des commandes" is translated as "order tracking" to refer to the ability to monitor the progress of an order. - "la qualité de vos produits" is translated as "the quality of your products" to emphasize the excellence of the plants.


Delivered quickly and in good condition." Analysis: The translation accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text. There are no spelling or grammar errors, and the structure of the sentence is correct. The tone of the translation matc
Delivered quickly and in good condition. Very satisfied.

Julien C.

Very satisfactory
Well-built rose bush, beautiful roots, should grow well,

Catherine M.

currently a weak rosebush
Received a skinny and slightly damaged young plant (2 small branches, a 3rd one broken), but after a month of planting, it doesn't seem to have withered. We'll see in the spring." Analysis of the translated text: - "young plant" is used instead of "plante" to maintain the botanical context. - "skinny" is used to translate "maigrichonne" and conveys the idea of being thin or slender. - "slightly damaged" is used to translate "un peu abîmée" and indicates that there is some damage, but not severe. - "a 3rd one broken" is used to translate "une 3ème cassée" and specifies that one of the branches is broken. - "doesn't seem to have withered" is used to translate "ne semble pas avoir dépéri" and implies that the plant has not shown signs of wilting or deteriorating. - "We'll see in the spring" is a literal translation of "A voir au printemps" and maintains the same tone and meaning.


Received a lovely young plant. Perfect packaging.

Valérie N.

I am looking forward to admiring it during its flowering." Revision: "I am eager to admire it during its flowering.
Delivery time and impeccable packaging, satisfied with the website, I will recommend shopping with you.


satisfaisant" translates to "satisfactory" in British English.
Arrived a bit tired and wilted but normal for the season. Is quite well supplied with branches and quite vigorous. Revision: Arrived a little tired and wilted, but that's normal for the season. It has a good number of branches and is quite vigorous.

Catherine MARIE

Planted in early March, without flower this year but has already climbed up to 2m (7ft). Very beautiful young plant as well as all the other roses, around 12, all very well distributed. I am very satisfied. Analysis of the translated text: - The translation accurately reflects the meaning and context of the original text. - The glossary terms "plant," "flower," and "water" have been correctly used. - The verb tense and sentence structure are appropriate. - No spelling or grammatical errors are present. - The tone of the text has been maintained throughout the translation.
