All reviews for category Hyacinths

Collection of 30 Hyacinths

Collection of 30 Hyacinths

Product sheet

5 stars
I really appreciate the packaging in words by colours

Daniele De keyzer

Hyacinthus Delft Blue - Garden Hyacinth

Hyacinthus Delft Blue - Garden Hyacinth

Product sheet

Only one of the three bulbs has flowered properly. Very disappointed.


Very good product that smells lovely. Beautiful flowers that arrive just in time to brighten up the gloominess of winter.

danielle S.

Hyacinth for indoors
I was planning to put the 3 bulbs in vases, but 2 of the bulbs already have shoots, at the base near the roots, so I couldn't place them in the vases. I planted those 2 and put the 3rd one in a vase. Unfortunately, I don't have any charcoal to put at the bottom.

Nelly L.

Indoor Hyacinth
I was planning to put the 3 bulbs in vases, but 2 of the bulbs already have shoots, at the base near the roots, so I couldn't put them in the vases. I planted those 2 and the 3rd one in a vase. I didn't have enough water for all of them, so I watered the plants in the pots and gave the one in the vase some water too.

Nelly L.

Only 2 bulbs were able to recover, unsurprisingly since the third one was not healthy, damp, and moldy. Unfortunately, the other 2 did not flower for Christmas .... disappointment." Analysis: - "bulbes" is translated as "bulbs" - "reprendre" is translated as "recover" - "sain" is translated as "healthy" - "humide" is translated as "damp" - "moisi" is translated as "moldy" - "fleuris" is translated as "flower" - "déception" is translated as "disappointment


Hyacinthus x orientalis Pink Pearl

Hyacinthus x orientalis Pink Pearl

Product sheet

Very cool
Really cool" or "very nice

Sarah P.

Perfect. Excellent quality.

Pascale C.

Received yesterday, waiting to be planted.
Perfect packaging!

Sarah P.

Very well.
Very well.

Ekaterina B.