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All reviews for category Fragrant Roses

Rosa Renaissance Clair

Rosa Renaissance Clair

Product sheet



It's a rose bush that I really love, I already have one but since it's a bit "old" I wanted to put another one.


baisse montaigne" is not a phrase in French. It seems to be a misspelling or a combination of words that do not make sense together. Can you please provide more context or a corrected version of the phrase?
I bought this rose and it has already bloomed, but to my surprise, it looks more like the BARBADOS! I don't know if there was a mistake, but it doesn't look very similar to the photo... As for the rest of my purchases, I am quite happy, but the rose has disappointed me. Mila Perez


Positive aspects: Very floriferous rose bush with a superb fragrance. Overall review: Easy-to-grow rose bush with abundant blooming.


Negative aspects: Hello, very disappointed with this rose bush, the colour does not match the description on the product sheet at all. The pale pink is more of a carmine pink, whereas I expected a white-pink shade like in the photos on the website. What a shame! Overall review: Disappointment.


A very healthy rose bush, already showing signs of new growth. I planted it a few hours after it arrived, hoping to see many flowers in the months and years to come ????


Rosa 'Mémoire' - Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa 'Mémoire' - Hybrid Tea Rose

Product sheet

My impression is mixed: indeed, the roses are not a pure white but slightly off-white. Perhaps this is due to my soil, the young plant, or what do I know...


Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to the individuals (order preparation & shipping service), the received rose bush is healthy. Planted, I am now waiting to see its progress... Note: received without the variety label, which is essential to identify the rose bush in all seasons." Analysis: - "rosier" has been translated as "rose bush" to convey the meaning accurately. - "Mis en terre" has been translated as "planted" to maintain the tone of the text. - "évolution" has been translated as "progress" to capture the intended meaning. - "étiquette variétale" has been translated as "variety label" to accurately represent the concept. - "toutes saisons" has been translated as "in all seasons" to maintain the meaning and tone of the text.


Very healthy plant that seems to have a good habit, this young rose plant is still quite small to judge. We have to wait until the end of the season, it seems to me." Analysis and Correction: "Very healthy plant that seems to have a good habit, this young rose plant is still quite small to judge. We have to wait until the end of the season, it seems to me." There are no spelling or grammatical errors in the translated text. The tone and meaning of the original text have been accurately conveyed in the translation.


I'm going to plant it this week!" Correction : "I'm going to plant it this week!
The cold weather has made me a bit worried, even though I am in Provence; I will only plant it this week in April. A morning frost has destroyed plantings of one or two-year-old plants. I hope this rosebush will grow well and give us beautiful white roses! Martine - 84800 L'ISLE SUR LA SORGUE -

Martine A.