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All reviews for category Ceratostigma

Ceratostigma willmottianum

Ceratostigma willmottianum

Product sheet

The Poiré-Sur-Vie
3 naked Cerastostigma willmottianum young plants planted in October 2023, 1 of them withering.


I have enjoyed the beautiful continuous flowering of this compact plant throughout the season. Never sick, it can compete with the essential geraniums and semperflorens begonias, bringing a lovely, original blue.

jean michel

It's a magnificent and wonderful young plant of an astonishing blue. I've had it for over 15 years...


THE SURPRISE! Wonderful little bush that has grown very quickly and is covered in lovely sky blue flowers in its pot on the balcony for 3 months! Just needs water 2/3 times a week. Next year I'll put a 2nd one!


Very beautiful upon reception, it seems to start withering. As for the vine-plants, despite the care given, only one is blooming...


a stunning blue cerostigna
Quality plant arrived potted, it has comfortably settled in the garden and is thriving. It is a magnificent Delft faience blue, very bright. It flowers until autumn.

Maryse S.

a little bit disappointed...
Well packaged young plant! No worries there! But quite a lot of dead wood... I hope it will start again in the Spring after regaining some strength in the ground!

Maryse G.

EMERAINVILLE (77)" would be translated to "EMERAINVILLE (77)" in British English as it is a proper noun and does not require translation.
Arrived today, very beautiful flowering plant, sturdy, well protected, having suffered no damage during transport! Thank you for your good care and your beautiful flowers!


Plant arrived in very good condition, fresh... despite the outdoor temperature...

Marie-Claire M.

Field of plants arrived very quickly and despite the heat in perfect condition. As usual, young plant with lush, green foliage.

Nicole B.