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All reviews for category Pomegranate fruit Tree

Punica granatum var. nana - Pomegranate

Punica granatum var. nana - Pomegranate

Product sheet

Lovely little shrub, bought last autumn. It blooms without fearing heat or drought, yet it hasn't grown much in the past 9 months.


Warnant- Dreye" (ARN)
Plant received at the beginning of the year. Impeccable delivery. This one timidly starts to show its beautiful slightly orange leaves. Placed in full sunlight, sheltered from the cold winds from the north... I can't wait to see it flower. I recommend this website for its excellent service and its very good advice ❤️


A survivor in specific research area, a true Mediterranean! A beautiful 'mini foliage' of shiny green, and a very nice flowering despite its small pruning.


It flowered very well, in a pot on a sunny terrace. To my great surprise, it did not suffer despite the heat of this summer. Some mulch has been added.


Hello well-ramified plant, very green but arrived a bit squashed.


Charente" can be translated to "Charente" in British English as it is a proper noun and does not require translation.
Juste reçu, very beautiful young plant, to be seen at the establishment.


Received the young plant just now, really small, visibly not maintained. Several branches seem dry. Hope buds will still emerge. Regular customer, I am often disappointed by tiny and poorly condition plants. I don't feel very inclined to recommend on this website even though it is well-informed.


Plant arrived in good condition in an eco-friendly cardboard packaging, has buds, plant in a pot to be able to shelter it during winter.


Lovely little potted bush in the sunshine, it feels like the flowers never fade!


The plant is dry, to be discarded.
The plant is dry, good to throw away. Very disappointed.

Laure W.