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All reviews for category Beans A to Z

Dwarf French Wax Bean Serpedor - Vilmorin Seeds

Dwarf French Wax Bean Serpedor - Vilmorin Seeds

Product sheet

I ordered two packages and the packaging of one of the packages was slightly damaged.

rouyau eric

Dwarf French Bean Beurre de Rocquencourt - Vilmorin Seeds

Dwarf French Bean Beurre de Rocquencourt - Vilmorin Seeds

Product sheet

Very productive but not good, too many strings, nobody wants to eat them.


Product that has already proven its worth

Dominique ZWIEBEL

Dwarf Filet Bean Skipper - Vilmorin Seeds

Dwarf Filet Bean Skipper - Vilmorin Seeds

Product sheet

Normandy 27
I am very pleased with these beans. I sow them in a bucket in the greenhouse and then transplant them outside. 100% success rate.

Jean luc

Ile-de-France" would be translated as "Island of France" in British English.
This variety has disappointed us as the seeds hardly sprouted even when planted at 2 different times! Not profitable!!!!


08300 - PERTHES" is already in English and does not require translation.
To avoid For the second year, very few seeds are germinating. I will not buy them anymore and I advise against them. A friend is experiencing the same issues.


perthes" can be translated in British English as "legg-calvé-perthes disease".
Variety to avoid Last year, I had already bought these beans from a garden centre and very, very few seeds sprouted. I bought a new packet this year, thinking that the seeds from last year might not be good anymore, and it's the same: the seeds don't germinate. That's it, I won't buy this variety anymore and I advise you not to either (especially when you see the price of the packet).


Didn't sprout... nothing last season and the same this year.


Chateaufort" is a French word that does not have a direct translation in English. It refers to a type of cheese, specifically a soft-ripened cheese made from cow's milk. In British English, a similar type of cheese would be called a "soft cheese" or a "so
To boycott... 20 seeds germinated out of 2 packets! Unacceptable.
