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All reviews for category Wild Digitalis

Digitalis purpurea Alba - Foxglove

Digitalis purpurea Alba - Foxglove

Product sheet

What elegance, tall and graphic, They have self-seeded everywhere with joy, I anticipate a forest in the spring.

Clare H.

field of plants in perfect condition
good coverage for the specific research area

jean-yvon N.

After a disappointing flowering in spring 2016, it completely disappeared!


No worries
Nothing to say

françoise E.

We will have to wait and see for the recovery in the spring.
We will have to wait to see the spring recovery, young plant received in October.


Too bad.....
Likewise, the foxgloves grew normally in June but couldn't withstand the heat of this summer. None of them survived.


Parfait équilibre
Lovely. Pure white. Hope they seed." "Beautiful. Completely white. I hope they produce seeds.

Trudy Harpham

Fast delivery; well packaged; beautiful young plant. But I may have planted it too much in the shade and the shoot and the flowering were average; it might be better next year.


VERY VERY VERY VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH YOUR MERCHANDISE AS ALREADY SAID I'M STILL WAITING FOR MY SWEET PEA AND THE REST NOTHING IS GROWING IT'S A DISASTER Response from Promesse de fleurs: Sir, as extensively discussed over the phone, we are surprised by the extraordinarily high level of failure in your plantings. We have already refunded or reshipped almost all the plants ordered from us, and you continue to experience cultivation failures. As discussed over the phone, I encourage you to seek assistance from a gardening club to gain more experience. On our part, I must inform you that we would no longer be able to guarantee plants ordered from us if you were to place any further orders with our company.

jean claude delmotte

Very well
Beautiful flowering

Nelly Chabot