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All reviews for category Beans A to Z

Climbing Bean to Shell Soissons green

Climbing Bean to Shell Soissons green

Product sheet

White grains .....

catherine thiel

Dwarf Bean Nautica extra fine string seeds

Dwarf Bean Nautica extra fine string seeds

Product sheet

81340 Trebas-les-Bains
I used these seeds for the first time last year and I was pleasantly surprised - These beans are superior to all others in many ways.


Pole Bean Borlotto Firetongue 2 - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Pole Bean Borlotto Firetongue 2 - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Rennes" translates to "Reindeer" in British English.
Beautiful and delicious: great success and bountiful harvest this (rainy) year!


Dwarf Kilometre Bean (Kouseband) - Metro nano

Dwarf Kilometre Bean (Kouseband) - Metro nano

Product sheet

Dampierre-en-Yvelines (78)
Sow in open ground in full sun about ten days ago, they have already grown well, faster than the other bean shoots I sowed in the soil. We are very curious to see the aesthetic and gustatory result.


Received my seeds, thank you.
I have received my seeds and thanks to Pascal for his kindness. I will plant them in Guyana and I will keep you informed of their productivity.

janick P.

This variety requires more warmth than the classic varieties. It allows for a simplified harvest, they are picked when the diameter becomes sufficient. Nice as a vegetable curiosity but less tasty than a classic bean.


Dwarf Filet Bean Aramis

Dwarf Filet Bean Aramis

Product sheet

Low grammage
I am familiar with this product and I order it because it is excellent. However, I find the price a bit exorbitant. I can find 200 grams for between 8 and 9 euros here, while it is 15 euros for 160 grams with you. I hadn't noticed the difference in weight. I don't think I will be ordering from you, as it is too expensive.

Paule P.

Dwarf French Bean Maxi

Dwarf French Bean Maxi

Product sheet

Anizy Le Grand" would be translated as "Anizy Le Grand" in British English, as it is a proper noun and does not require translation.
The necks are not great, let's hope the harvest is good.


Bush Dry Bean Saint-Esprit à Oeil Rouge

Bush Dry Bean Saint-Esprit à Oeil Rouge

Product sheet

Very disappointed ordered according to the description like Soisson beans and aucub port.

Ghislaine G.


Monique D.