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All reviews for category Beans A to Z

Dwarf Filet Bean Cupidon - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Dwarf Filet Bean Cupidon - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Excellent beans, to be harvested when young, before they go to seed. However, my seeds from last year are not reusable this year! They are all holey, some creature must have nibbled on them in their box, even though it was well stored away at my place... a bit disappointed, to be honest...


Dwarf Filet Bean Aiguillon - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Dwarf Filet Bean Aiguillon - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Excellent long and delicate bean at the harvest. It should be noted that I water them abundantly (I am fortunate to have a well supplied by rainwater runoff).


Villeneuve Loubet
Seeded twice in April and then in May... it's October and I'm still waiting for it to shoot lol.


Bush Shell Bean Lingot Suisse Blanc - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Bush Shell Bean Lingot Suisse Blanc - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Spot on!
Easy order, fast delivery, single and neatly packaged. Note that it is a fairly rare variety, difficult to find, especially in organic quality. Truly positively surprised, tempted to explore the wonders of the enclosed catalogue... Just need to see if everything will go well on the payment side as the internet has already brought me some unpleasant surprises.

Christian Y.

Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

7 out of 10 have sprouted, magnificent climbing plant that makes a statement in the garden.


PRECHAC" would be translated as "PRECHAC" in British English. As it is a proper noun, it does not need to be translated or adapted.
Please! Is it really 10 (TEN) seeds for £6.50?? Or is there a mistake?! The other available variety, non-organic, is cheaper (that's normal), BUT it's for 90 seeds!! Thank you for confirming.


The seeds germinate quickly but as soon as the young plants are placed in the ground, they are devoured. No harvest...


French Pole Bean Blauhilde - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

French Pole Bean Blauhilde - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Blauhilde mange-tout
I am familiar with this Blauhilde bean (funny enough, my first name is Brunhilde!) that will be sown in spring 2019, hoping for a good yield!

Brunhilde P.

100% satisfied with these beans. Sown directly in the soil, they are as beautiful as they are delicious and have no strings even when picked very large. Attention: Stake them well as they grow very quickly.
