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White eyelets

11 results

11  results


Our range of white carnations. The carnations 'Memories' and 'Haytor White' stand out as essential varieties of white-flowering Dianthus. The Dianthus 'Memories' attracts attention with its bright white flowers and enchanting fragrance, while 'Haytor White' is distinguished by its large white flowers and generous flowering. The Dianthus 'Albus' is renowned for its immaculate white flowers and lush foliage. 'Bridal Star' offers dense flowering and a compact habit, ideal for enhancing small gardens. The Dianthus 'White Nugget', with its delicate flowers and sweet fragrance, is perfect for creating a romantic atmosphere. Finally, 'Snowfire', characterized by its white flowers edged with red, brings vibrant contrast to borders and beds. Discover them in this selection.

'Scent First Memories' and 'Haytor White' are essential varieties of white carnations, both in the garden and in a vase. 'Memories' is known for its bright white flowers and enchanting fragrance, while 'Haytor White' stands out with its double white pompon flowers and generous flowering. In a different style, the Dianthus deltoides 'Albiflorus' is a charming ground cover with small immaculate white flowers. 'Devon Dove' is another variety of carnation with a delicate fragrance, featuring double flowers of pure white with a hint of silver-gray, perfect for a vase. Also discover the Dianthus 'Sunflor Cosmos', a perennial carnation variety with double, fragrant flowers that bloom continuously from April to September. And many other white carnations to be found in these pages.

Also check out our buying guide "The 5 most beautiful white carnations" and our feature: "Carnation: planting, care, and sowing tips"

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