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Oriental Poppy

41 results

41  results


Our collection of Oriental Poppy or Papaver orientale. This perennial plant, also known as Tournefort's Poppy, captivates with its large flowers in a dazzling red color (as seen in 'Allegro'). Originating from temperate regions of Asia, the Oriental Poppy displays vibrant or pastel colors depending on the cultivars, and a cut and villous foliage that adds a unique texture to flower beds. It blooms between June and August, depending on the regions and varieties.

Among the flagship varieties, the poppy 'Beauty of Livermere' stands out with its deep red flowers carried at 90 cm from the ground, while 'Perry's White' offers a striking contrast with its white petals speckled with black. The Oriental Poppy 'Harlem', with its shades of dark red almost black, particularly attracts attention. For small spaces or borders, choose a compact variety like 'Little Dancing Girl' which has the same charm in a more compact size (45-50 cm).

The Oriental Poppy prefers well-drained, rich soils, and a sunny exposure. These conditions allow these magnificent perennials to thrive and come back year after year with even more splendor. It may disappear during the summer heat and then enter dormancy.

To find out everything, consult our complete guide "Oriental Poppies: how to grow them?"

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