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Bushes in buckets

344 results

344  results


Our wide range of bush in bucket allows you to design your garden at a lower cost. These young plants, sold in small containers, come in many varieties suitable for every situation: Hedge shrubs, ericaceous shrubs, shrubs for dry soil... Let's mention the Berberis, with their decorative foliage and thorns, perfect for creating defensive hedges. The lilacs and the mock oranges, essential in a flowering hedge, the Hydrangea paniculata, the paniculate hydrangea with large flower spikes, an easy shrub that works wonders in a border. The Physocarpus brings color to the garden with its foliage and small umbel flowers. Let's also mention the Cotoneasters which offer large bushes or ground covers.

If container shrubs immediately make a presence in your garden, bush in bucket grow very quickly and will soon "catch up" with container shrubs. Moreover, they will develop a deeper root system and will be more able (once established) to better withstand harsh climatic conditions. Like bare root shrubs, bush in bucket require careful soil preparation.

To go further, also consult our file "Planting and maintaining bush in bucket".

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