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Orange to salmon water lilies

9 results

9  results


Our aquatic plants with copper, orange, and salmon flowers. Each variety promises to bring a touch of gentle warmth to your pond. The excellent Nymphaea 'Sioux' offers flowers that evolve from yellow to copper, capturing the essence of the rising sun. The flower of the water lily 'Aurora', of medium size, evolves from cream to yellow, salmon orange, and then blood red as it ages, in a changing range of shades, both tender and vibrant. The sublime variety 'Barbara Davies' surprises with its subtle beauty and its flowers of a soft salmon color. 'Firecrest' with orange flowers perfectly meets the needs of small spaces, and 'Colorado', whose large double flower constantly hesitates between pink and salmon orange, lights up the water with small sunsets. These varieties, and many others, will bring a fabulous palette of copper, salmon, and orange tones to the aquatic garden. Discover them in these pages.

Cultivating these wonders is within everyone's reach: a sunny exposure and calm, shallow water, rich and heavy aquatic soil. These few conditions combined will promote a rich and colorful flowering.

To find out everything, consult our complete guide "Nymphea, water lily: planting and maintenance".

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