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Variegated Osmanthus with coloured or variegated foliage

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The osmanthus, in the form of Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Tricolor' and O. heterophyllus 'Goshiki', seduce gardeners with their evergreen foliage, which is variegated or differently colored. These bushes, suitable for contemporary gardens, offer a unique aesthetic. Among the most beautiful varieties, Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' has leaves speckled with yellow, green, and cream, which evolve throughout the seasons. The 'Tricolor' variety, compact, displays remarkable foliage all year round, with holly-like leaves that come in three colors. Very different, Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Purpureus' charms with its young leaves of dark purple-red that blend with adult foliage of a slightly dark greenish-purple in summer. Classic and bright, the variegated Osmanthus also offers white flowering that spreads a beautiful jasmine fragrance with fruity notes at the end of the season. These varieties of osmanthus bring character and texture. Discover our varieties with decorative foliage in this selection.

To find out everything about this bush, visit our plant profile: "Osmanthe, Osmanthus: planting, pruning, and maintenance"

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