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Butterfly Lavender

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9  results


Our selection of Butterfly Lavenders, in Latin Lavandula stoechas. The butterfly lavender is a Mediterranean variety that seduces with its atypical flowers, crowned with violet bracts that resemble small butterflies or tufts. Among the prettiest varieties, let's mention 'Magical Posy Pink', compact, with dark pink spikes topped with pink bracts, more resistant to hot and humid summers. 'Bandera White' bears bicolored white and violet flowers that attract attention, both in borders and in pots. Don't miss out on the 'Fat Head' lavender, renowned for its large deep purple flower heads, nor 'The Princess', with a remarkably intense pink color. Discover all our butterfly lavenders on these pages.

These lavenders appreciate well-drained soil and full sun exposure. Unlike true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), these varieties do not like limestone. They withstand summer drought very well once rooted. These perennials are perfect for adding a touch of color and fragrance to borders, rockeries, or in a pot on the terrace.

To go further, also consult our complete guide "Lavender: planting, growing, pruning"

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