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All reviews for category David Austin Roses

Rosa 'William Shakespeare 2000' - English Rose

Rosa 'William Shakespeare 2000' - English Rose

Product sheet

Healthy young plant, well packaged.

Maud D.

...velvety roses with mysterious fragrances... like Zola's courtisans' velvet gloves... or ladies seeking a suitor along the Thames... ...traces of a Sichuan princess awaiting her betrothed in a delicate bristle silk sari with sun-soaked herbaceous scents...

Francine L.

Underdeveloped this year

Danielle M.

Beautiful flowering for its first summer. Getting ready to give us its second display. However, a few leaves are turning yellow.

Rolande P.

The product looks healthy and well-pruned, in good soil, to see how it takes root and especially the flowering, I am impatient." Correction: "The product looks healthy and well-pruned, in good soil. I'm excited to see how it takes root and, most importantly, the flowering.

Emmanuelle M.

Beautiful and healthy rose bush. The recovery was immediate.

ghislaine B.

Very careful packaging and very good recovery for this rose bush that I can't wait to see flower (and change color as the flowers ripen)!" Revision: "Very careful packaging and excellent recovery for this rose bush that I'm eager to see bloom (and change color as the flowers ripen)!


Well-packaged rose bush, in good condition. Are we expecting flowering, maybe this year??" Analysis: - No spelling or grammar errors. - The structure of the sentence is correct. - The tone of the original text is maintained in the translation.


No flowering yet as purchased in autumn, but they have withstood the winter well. Revision: No flowering yet as purchased in autumn, but they have withstood the winter well.

Guénhaëlle G.

same as Thomas à Becket

Bernard E.

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