Potted Mediterranean plants, all our special offers

34 results
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Rusticité - Résistance au froid
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Couleur feuillage primaire
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34  results


The Mediterranean plants are easily cultivated in pots, in small gardens, on terraces and even on balconies. Resistant to drought, they do not fear a lack of water and often thrive in poor, dry, even calcareous soil. They are not demanding and allow for the quick creation of dry gardens and beautiful scenes that evoke the scents of Provence! While some are hardy to frost, others are less so but can easily be wintered indoors or in a suitable location.   Including; Agave, Lavender, Bougainvillea, and Callistemonthe choice is wide. Take a look at our selection of Mediterranean shrubs and perennial plants, specially adapted for pot cultivation. you will be sure to find what you need to create a beautiful little corner of nature, even in the city!

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