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Clematis cirrhosa Winter Parasol

Clematis cirrhosa Winter Parasol
Clematis 'Winter Parasol'

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I really love this clematis that blooms in my garden from November to March, and I give it 5 stars.

chantal, 06/12/2022

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A winter-flowering clematis. It bears cascades of creamy-white bell-shaped flowers speckled with pink. Its glossy green evergreen foliage is tinged with bronze on the reverse side, making it particularly ornamental. It dies down in dry summers to escape the heat. This medium-sized variety is ideal for covering a trellis, a wall, or a bush. 'Winter Parasol' also performs very well in pots with a supporting structure.
Flower size
5 cm
Height at maturity
2.50 m
Spread at maturity
2.50 m
Hardy down to -9°C
Soil moisture
Dry soil

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Best planting time April
Recommended planting time March to May
Flowering time February to March, November to December


Clematis cirrhosa 'Winter Parasol' is a variety of fragrant winter-flowering clematis. It bears cascades of creamy-white bell-shaped flowers speckled with pink. Its finely-cut glossy green evergreen foliage displays a bronze tint on the underside, making it particularly ornamental. In warm climates, it disappears in summer to escape drought. This medium-sized variety is ideal for covering a trellis, a wall, or a bush. 'Winter Parasol' also does very well in pots with the support of a frame.


Clematis 'Winter Parasol' is a woody climbing plant of the Ranunculaceae family. It is of horticultural origin. It is derived from C. cirrhosa, a Mediterranean species. 'Winter Parasol' has slender voluble stems that easily cling to their support (in Latin, cirrhosa means coiling like a tendril). It can climb up to 2 or 3m (7 or 10ft) in height, with a similar width. Its flowering sometimes begins in November, on fresh foliage, but more often it takes place in February-March. It boasts numerous clusters of flowers, 3 to 6cm (1 to 2in) wide, which are slightly soft and thick. They are formed by 4 recurved petals widely open on a bouquet of short green-yellow stamens. The throat of the flower, as well as the reverse of the petals, is creamy-white, lightly speckled with pink. They have a pleasant fragrance. The dark green, glossy leaves are divided and lobed, with coarsely toothed lanceolate leaflets. The cold often gives them a bronze hue. If they persist under a watered climate in summer, the leaves curl up and disappear as soon as the summer heat and its dryness arrive.


Clematis 'Winter Parasol' is a relatively undemanding plant. Its only drawback is its hardiness, which can be compromised in wet soil during a severe winter. However, it can withstand temperatures around -12°C (10.4°F), or even -15°C (5°F), if planted in well-drained soil, in full sun and sheltered from the wind. The sight of its speckled flowers against a leaden winter sky remains a wonderful surprise. Due to its growth cycle, it will look wonderful in a dry garden climbing on a deciduous bush (vitex, lilac, cotinus). Its cascades of flowers decorate their bare branches in winter. In a scented garden, it can be paired with the fragrant Lonicera fragrantissima, which blooms white in February, filling the air with its fragrance. In cooler climates, it is beautiful all year round. It can be trained to climb on a trellis, a fence, or even a small wrought-iron structure placed near a large pot on a patio.

Clematis cirrhosa Winter Parasol in pictures

Clematis cirrhosa Winter Parasol (Flowering) Flowering
Clematis cirrhosa Winter Parasol (Foliage) Foliage

Plant habit

Height at maturity 2.50 m
Spread at maturity 2.50 m
Growth rate normal


Flower colour white
Flowering time February to March, November to December
Inflorescence Cluster
Flower size 5 cm
Fragrance slightly scented
Bee-friendly Attracts pollinators
Fruit colour grey


Foliage persistence Evergreen
Foliage colour dark green

Botanical data






Winter Parasol



Other common names

Clematis 'Winter Parasol'


Cultivar or hybrid

Other Clematis Cirrhosa

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  3. 7
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  4. 7
    From 18,50 € 2L/3L pot

Planting and care

Clematis cirrhosa 'Winter Parasol' thrives in hot climates and dry summers, which is not the case for C. montana, for example. It will also appreciate the dappled shade of a deciduous tree in summer. It prefers fertile, humus-rich, loamy, slightly chalky, well-drained soil that is dry in summer. Provide shade for the roots and the base of the stem (with a flat tile, for example). Clematis wilts in excessively wet soil. Work the soil to a depth of 20cm (8in), and lighten it with good compost and coarse sand. Position the plant and cover the root ball with 3cm (1in) of soil. After planting, cut back the clematis stems to about 30cm (12in) from the base above a nice pair of buds. Water generously and regularly during the first few weeks. However, be careful not to let the water stagnate as this can cause fungus to develop at the collar.

Mulch all clematis in February with garden compost or well-rotted manure, avoiding direct contact with the stems.

Train the stems, without squeezing them, until the plant grips onto them itself. Clematis also like to grow freely on neighbouring plants.

After a few years, cover the base of your climbing clematis with a small mound of soil to reduce the risk of wilting while promoting the growth of vigorous shoots from the stump.

Voles and grey worms can attack clematis and devour the stems. Aphids and greenhouse whiteflies are also potential parasites of clematis.


Planting period

Best planting time April
Recommended planting time March to May
Type of support Arch, Tree, Trellis

Intended location

Suitable for Meadow, Woodland edge
Type of use Hedge, Climbing
Hardiness Hardy down to -9°C (USDA zone 8b) Show map
Ease of cultivation Amateur
Planting density 1 per m2
Exposure Sun
Soil pH Any
Soil moisture Dry soil, fertile, deep, and well-drained


Pruning instructions After flowering, prune every other branch to 50cm (20in) from the ground. Remove dead wood and any faded flowers.
Pruning Pruning recommended once a year
Pruning time April to May
Soil moisture Dry soil
Disease resistance Good
Overwinter Can be left in the ground
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  1. 11
    From 18,50 € 2L/3L pot

  2. 35
    From 20,50 € 2L/3L pot

  3. 11
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  4. 21
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  6. 50
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  7. 12
    19,50 € 2L/3L pot

  8. 26
    From 14,90 € 2L/3L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  9. 10
    From 16,50 € 1.5L/2L pot

  10. 20
    From 7,50 € 8/9 cm pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  11. 11
    From 20,50 € 1.5L/2L pot

  12. 18
    From 20,50 € 2L/3L pot

  13. 15
    From 14,90 € 2L/3L pot

  14. 12
    From 27,50 € 2L/3L pot

  15. 12
    From 14,90 € 1.5L/2L pot

  16. 1
    17,50 € 2L/3L pot

  17. 3
    From 20,50 € 2L/3L pot

  18. 8
    From 16,50 € 2L/3L pot

  19. 52
    -30% 12,95 € 18,50 € 2L/3L pot

  20. 12
    From 18,50 € 2L/3L pot

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