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Musella lasiocarpa - Golden Lotus Banana

Musella lasiocarpa
Golden Lotus Banana, Chinese Dwarf Banana, Yellow Banana

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Plant received of very good quality. Well-developed root system. The plant had no trouble recovering. I recommend.

Bruno 62710, 11/05/2024

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Perennial shrub closely resembling the banana tree. It is distinguished by its very dense dwarf habit and its magnificent golden yellow inflorescence, which can last several months. This young plant produces numerous shoots, and is resistant to wind, cold and drought. To be cultivated in large containers, indoors or outdoors.
Flower size
1 cm
Height at maturity
1.65 m
Spread at maturity
1 m
Sun, Partial shade
Hardy down to -12°C
Soil moisture
Moist soil

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Best planting time March to April
Recommended planting time March to May
Flowering time July to September


Musella lasiocarpa is also called Chinese dwarf banana or golden lotus, referring to its habit and its magnificent golden-yellow inflorescence. This beautiful perennial shrub resembles a banana tree, its close relative. It is distinguished by its dwarf habit and its unique flowering, which can last several months. This relatively hardy plant produces numerous shoots, forming beautiful groups over time with lush foliage. It is resistant to wind, cold, and occasionally dry soils. It is easy to grow in large containers, indoors or outdoors. It appreciates fertile, moist, but well-drained soils and thrives in full sun or partial shade.


Musella lasiocarpa belongs to the Musaceae family, native to China (Yunnan province) and Vietnam, at altitudes up to 2,500 m (1640.4 ft). It is therefore quite hardy but not yet widely cultivated enough to determine its exact resistance capabilities. This species, which has become very rare in the wild, owes its survival only to cultivation. It is a monocarpic perennial plant (dies after fruiting) with tuberous rhizomes. It is a small banana tree, forming numerous shoots at the base, capable of reaching 1.5 m to 1.8 m (4.9 ft to 5.9 ft) in height in our climates. It is remarkable for its ornamental qualities, hardiness, and fast growth. A seed germinated in spring can form a plant of 1.5 m (4.9 ft) in the space of one summer. The leaves are quite large, more fibrous and sturdy than those of banana trees, with a bluish-green colour. The flowering can last from 6 months to a year. The apical bud then produces a dense spike of thick yellow bracts, resembling a lotus flower, carried by a thick stem. The small flowers develop at the base of the bracts. The fertilised flowers give way to small fruits containing seeds that easily germinate when fresh. It is a hardy, evergreen plant in mild climates.


Musella lasiocarpa is used in mass plantings or as a solitary specimen, in containers or in the ground, in any region. It is hardy enough to grow in the ground, with or without protection depending on the climate. It pairs well, for example, with orange cannas or variegated foliage plants. Plant it in a large container as a standalone specimen for a terrace. It can be stored in a cold greenhouse during winter, in a very bright location. In a conservatory setting, it goes well with other orangery plants such as oleanders, citrus trees, Chilean myrtle, mimosas, or Strelitzia reginae.

Just like perennial plants, banana trees are dormant during winter: their above-ground parts dry up and die. Plants shipped in winter are therefore pruned to the ground (leaves and stems) by our teams to allow for a better start in spring.

Musella lasiocarpa - Golden Lotus Banana in pictures

Musella lasiocarpa - Golden Lotus Banana (Flowering) Flowering
Musella lasiocarpa - Golden Lotus Banana (Foliage) Foliage
Musella lasiocarpa - Golden Lotus Banana (Plant habit) Plant habit

Plant habit

Height at maturity 1.65 m
Spread at maturity 1 m
Habit stalk
Growth rate normal


Flower colour yellow
Flowering time July to September
Inflorescence Cluster
Flower size 1 cm
Fruit colour black


Foliage persistence Evergreen
Foliage colour medium green

Botanical data







Other common names

Golden Lotus Banana, Chinese Dwarf Banana, Yellow Banana



Other Musa - Banana tree

  1. Out of stock
    27,50 € 2L/3L pot

  2. 52
    19,50 € 1.5L/2L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  3. 13
    37,50 € 4L/5L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  4. 14
    27,50 € 2L/3L pot

    Available in 3 sizes

  5. 31
    37,50 € 6L/7L pot

  6. 2
    99,00 € 7.5L/10L pot

Planting and care

Musella lasiocarpa should be grown in full sun or partial shade, in a rich, rather moist, but well-drained soil, either in the ground or in a large container. It tolerates short periods of drought and fairly cold or snowy winters quite well. The Chinese dwarf banana tree dislikes waterlogged soils in winter. In very cold or very wet regions in winter, it is useful to protect it with a thick and loose layer of straw, covered with a transparent tarpaulin or sheet to isolate the stump and young shoots from moisture. These protections should be removed once the frosts have passed. The exposure should be sunny. The aerial parts are destroyed by frost from -2° C (28.4° F). They then fall onto the stump, protecting the underground buds. New shoots emerge vigorously and rapidly in spring. The plant can withstand temperatures down to -12° C (10.4° F), and possibly even lower. 



Cultivation in pots:

If growing in pots, use a good substrate. The following mixture works well: ¼ garden soil, ¼ potting soil, ¼ coarse horticultural sand or pumice, and ¼ well-decomposed manure, as it is a nutrient-hungry plant. A layer of clay balls at the bottom of the mix improves drainage. This plant, when grown in a pot, benefits from being exposed to the sun throughout the entire growing season. It often loses its leaves in winter due to lack of light. The dwarf banana tree can be overwintered frost-free in a well-lit room, with reduced watering. If some leaves change colour in winter, it will not harm the plant's health. Watering should be abundant during the growing season, enriched every fifteen days with a balanced liquid fertiliser. During two summer months, water it well and do not allow the substrate to completely dry out.

Planting period

Best planting time March to April
Recommended planting time March to May

Intended location

Suitable for Meadow
Type of use Border, Free-standing, Container, Greenhouse, Conservatory
Hardiness Hardy down to -12°C (USDA zone 8a) Show map
Ease of cultivation Amateur
Planting density 1 per m2
Exposure Sun, Partial shade
Soil pH Any
Soil type Silty-loamy (rich and light)
Soil moisture Moist soil, Well-drained, fertile, light soil.


Pruning No pruning necessary
Soil moisture Moist soil
Disease resistance Very good
Overwinter Can be left in the ground

Evergreen shrubs

  1. 10
    From 11,90 € 2L/3L pot

  2. 8
    From 29,50 € 3L/4L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  3. 7
    43,50 € 4L/5L pot

  4. 11
    32,50 € 2L/3L pot

    Available in 3 sizes

  5. Out of stock
    From 3,70 € 8/9 cm pot

  6. 16
    From 20,50 € 3L/4L pot

    Available in 3 sizes

  7. 23
    From 5,90 € 8/9 cm pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  8. 8
    From 18,50 € 3L/4L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  9. 1
    From 12,50 € 1L/1.5L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  10. 10
    49,00 € 4L/5L pot

  11. 1
    From 24,50 € 3L/4L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  12. 6
    -20% 23,60 € 29,50 € 4L/5L pot

  13. 8
    22,50 € 3L/4L pot

  14. 5
    From 27,50 € 2L/3L pot

  15. 1
    59,00 € 4L/5L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  16. 46
    From 39,50 € 4L/5L pot

  17. 10
    45,00 € 4L/5L pot

  18. 21
    From 18,50 € 2L/3L pot

    Available in 2 sizes

  19. 5
    -20% 26,00 € 32,50 € 4L/5L pot

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