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Liriope muscari

Liriope muscari
Lilyturf, Blue Lilyturf, Border Grass, Monkey Grass

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Lovely young plant. Well packaged. Has healthy foliage. Hasn't flowered yet...

Sandy, 19/07/2022

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Graden Merit Value-for-money
Perennial of light undergrowth, capable of growing in the roots of trees. In summer, Liriope muscari displays beautiful upright violet spikes emerging from green, gramineous and evergreen foliage. It slowly spreads as ground cover in borders and flower beds. A robust plant, which is easily cultivated in the garden.
Flower size
30 cm
Height at maturity
30 cm
Spread at maturity
30 cm
Partial shade, Shade
Hardy down to -29°C
Soil moisture
Moist soil

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Best planting time March, October
Recommended planting time February to April, September to November
Flowering time August to October


Liriope muscari is an excellent woodland perennial, capable of growing in the roots of trees, where the soil is often poor and quite dry in summer. Forming clumps of narrow, tightly packed leaves, it slowly spreads as a carpet to effectively cover the ground, while remaining decorative in winter. It is also appreciated for its beautiful summer to autumn flowering, which can be more or less late, consisting of upright spikes with tightly packed small violet flowers. This cousin of ophiopogon is the perfect ally for creating a harmonious garden by embellishing areas neglected by other plants.


Liriope muscari belongs to the Asparagaceae family. It is native to the woodlands of China, Korea, and Japan. It has excellent cold resistance (-20°C (-4°F)). It prefers light, slightly acidic to neutral, slightly moist soil. However, it can adapt to slightly chalky soils (enriched with compost) and drier conditions where its growth will be slowed down.

This herbaceous perennial forms clumps, with slowly spreading rhizomes and almost non-existent stems. Its vegetation persists throughout the year, even in winter. It forms a dense bouquet of leaves, measuring about 40cm (16in) in all directions, slowly spreading to form large dark patches. Its growth is relatively slow, and it never becomes invasive. Its leaves are ribbon-like and lanceolate, measuring over 15cm (6in) in length and about 1cm (0.4in) in width. They are glossy and very dark green. The summer flowering continues until October. The inflorescences are blackish spikes that can reach 40cm (16in) in height, bearing numerous small light violet bells. The bright flowers are perfectly highlighted by the dark foliage. The flowering is followed by the formation of black fruits.


Forming a large clump of grass that remains decorative throughout the year, even in winter, and robust and dense enough to discourage 'weeds', Liriope muscari has many advantages. It is sturdy, adaptable, and requires little maintenance once established, bringing a touch of lushness and a well-groomed appearance to neglected areas of the garden. Plant it every 40cm (16in) along a semi-shaded path, at the base of a hedge, or under lightly foliated tall trees, and it will quickly form a superb and tidy carpet. It also grows very well in pots, on a windowsill or balcony. It is so accommodating that it will forgive watering neglect and thrive in low-maintenance gardens.


Liriope muscari in pictures

Liriope muscari (Flowering) Flowering
Liriope muscari (Foliage) Foliage


Flower colour violet
Flowering time August to October
Inflorescence Spike
Flower size 30 cm


Foliage persistence Evergreen
Foliage colour dark green

Plant habit

Height at maturity 30 cm
Spread at maturity 30 cm
Growth rate slow

Botanical data






Liliaceae (Asparagaceae)

Other common names

Lilyturf, Blue Lilyturf, Border Grass, Monkey Grass



Planting and care

Liriope muscari are perennial shade plants that thrive in non-calcareous, well-drained soils that are not too dry, enriched with humus provided by the dead leaves of deciduous trees or bushes under which they prosper. However, they are tolerant plants, capable of adapting to drier conditions once well established. They will require more water if planted in the sun. Their roots suffer from stagnant moisture in winter, so ensure good drainage in heavy and clayey soils. In early spring, remove damaged leaves before the annual regrowth. This plant does not require any particular maintenance once established. Water regularly in the first year, especially if the summer is dry. Afterwards, it will manage on its own.

We planted a few clumps at the foot of a cercidiphyllum 15 years ago and they are still there, growing steadily without any special care. However, be cautious in the east as they are slightly sensitive and can be damaged by cold winds.

Planting period

Best planting time March, October
Recommended planting time February to April, September to November

Intended location

Suitable for Woodland edge
Type of use Edge of border, Container, Slope
Hardiness Hardy down to -29°C (USDA zone 5) Show map
Ease of cultivation Amateur
Planting density 7 per m2
Exposure Partial shade, Shade
Soil pH Acidic, Neutral
Soil type Silty-loamy (rich and light)
Soil moisture Moist soil, well-draining, lightweight, humus-bearing


Pruning instructions Clean up dead foliage in early spring.
Pruning Pruning recommended once a year
Pruning time March to April
Disease resistance Very good
Overwinter Can be left in the ground
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