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Paeonia lactiflora Duchesse de Nemours

Paeonia x lactiflora Duchesse de Nemours
Chinese Peony, Common Garden Peony

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Serge, 10/03/2024

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An old peony, always appreciated for its beautiful double flowers of 13 cm (5in) diameter, washed with green when in bud. In this variety the outer petals, shaded with green at the base, spread out in a collar around a heart of small ruffled petals, tinted with soft canary yellow. The beauty of the flowers is accompanied by a good fragrance, which will be particularly appreciated in bouquets. A peony with the charm of yesteryear, which blooms at the beginning of the peony season, in May.
Flower size
13 cm
Height at maturity
85 cm
Spread at maturity
85 cm
Sun, Partial shade
Hardy down to -29°C
Soil moisture
Moist soil

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Best planting time October to November
Recommended planting time February to May, September to November
Flowering time May


Paeonia lactiflora Duchesse de Nemours is one of those Peony varieties that bloomed faithfully in the gardens of yesteryear, providing beautiful flowers for festive tables. Surviving the passing fads and whims of time, it remains with us, always lavish, offering its beautiful double flowers, tinged with green when in bud. In this variety the outer petals, shaded with green at the base, spread out like a collar around a heart of small ruffled petals, tinted with soft canary yellow. The beauty of the flowers is accompanied by a pleasant fragrance, which can be enjoyed from the beginning of the peony season. Easy to grow, Chinese Peonies thrive in loose and moist soil, in sunny locations. Robust and faithful, they sometimes take a little time to establish themselves, but they grow year after year and can live well over 50 years, outlasting the person who planted them.

Chinese herbaceous peonies are mainly derived from Paeonia lactiflora, a perennial herbaceous plant native to Central and Eastern Asia (from eastern Tibet, northern China, to eastern Siberia), where it naturally grows in woods and meadows. This plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae or Paeoniaceae family.

The variety Duchesse de Nemours is an old French creation by Jacques Calot, dating back to 1856. The plant forms an herbaceous and bushy clump from spring onwards, reaching about 80-90 cm (32-35in) in all directions. Its anemone-type flowers, 13 cm (5in) wide, appear in May, more or less early depending on the climate, for about two to three weeks. They emerge as large tender green buds. These open up to reveal a flat collar of spread-out petals, wider than those that make up the artfully disordered central 'pompom', where white, pale yellow, and very pale green blend together. The vegetation of this variety is good and its foliage very healthy. The young purple and shiny foliage unfolds into large light green and deeply cut leaves. They are borne on a petiole that divides into 3, with lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate segments. The leaflets are either entire or sometimes lobed. The vegetation disappears in winter, while the buds persist at ground level and will develop again in spring. This very perennial plant grows from a large fleshy root that does not appreciate being moved.

Peonies are among those plants that form the foundation of a garden. In the past every garden, from the humblest to the most elaborate, proudly displayed clumps of peonies that made their way into the house, keeping lilacs and bluebells company in bouquets. Elegant and beautifully scented, the Chinese peony Duchesse de Nemours thrives in flowerbeds or alongside pathways, associated with timeless perennials such as columbines, bellflowers, foxgloves, bearded irises, carnations, or Christmas roses. It can also be grown in the vegetable garden to supply cut flowers for the house. Growing it in a pot is not recommended, as its needs will not be met. Over time, the peony becomes majestic and blooms more and more abundantly, producing up to 60 flowers.


Paeonia lactiflora Duchesse de Nemours in pictures

Paeonia lactiflora Duchesse de Nemours (Flowering) Flowering


Flower colour white
Flowering time May
Inflorescence Double
Flower size 13 cm
Fragrance Fragrant


Foliage persistence Deciduous
Foliage colour green

Plant habit

Height at maturity 85 cm
Spread at maturity 85 cm
Growth rate slow

Botanical data




x lactiflora


Duchesse de Nemours



Other common names

Chinese Peony, Common Garden Peony


Cultivar or hybrid

Planting and care

The best time to plant peonies is in autumn. Install in a sunny or well-lit location, spaced 60 cm (24in) apart. They appreciate cold winters that promote dormancy and flower formation. The soil should be loose, deep, fertile, and moist. They need space and are sensitive to competition from other species. Prepare a hole 50 cm (20in) deep and mix organic fertiliser into your soil, partially backfill, place your plants inside, and cover with 6 cm (2in) of soil above the eyes. After planting, tamp down and water generously. Our bouquet tip: cut your peonies at sunrise when the buds start to colour. Don't delay in putting them in water.

Planting period

Best planting time October to November
Recommended planting time February to May, September to November

Intended location

Suitable for Meadow, Woodland edge
Type of use Border
Hardiness Hardy down to -29°C (USDA zone 5) Show map
Ease of cultivation Amateur
Planting density 1 per m2
Exposure Sun, Partial shade
Soil pH Any
Soil type Silty-loamy (rich and light)
Soil moisture Moist soil, deep, loosened


Pruning No pruning necessary
Disease resistance Very good
Overwinter Can be left in the ground

Spring flowering perennials

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