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Helleborus nigercors

15 results

15  results


Hybrids originating from Helleborus niger (Christmas Rose) and Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican Hellebore), nigercors hellebores bloom from December to March, with large flowers with white-pink corollas that fade to shades of purple. They are hardy, bushy perennials that can withstand temperatures as low as -20°C (-4°F).

These hellebores are strong plants of medium size, with beautiful dark green evergreen foliage.

Hellebore nigercors are sterile hybrids, and their propagation through vegetative means is very difficult.

Hellebore nigercors prefer rich, rather heavy soils that have been worked. They thrive in partial shade under large leafy trees, in neutral to alkaline, fertile, and moist soil. Once established, they do not like to be transplanted.

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