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Hardy Geraniums for ground cover, all our special offers

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Perennial Geraniums for ground cover are hardy and robust plants, with prolonged and often generous flowering, very effective for covering the ground in sunny beds or even in the understorey. If the Geranium macrorrhizum, extremely vigorous, fragrant, and resistant to both cold and dry conditions, is the emblematic figure of this group, others like the excellent perennial Geranium nodosum reign supreme in cool and damp shade, leaving the scorching rockeries to the care of the very sober Geranium sanguineum. Perennial geranium ground covers know how to charm with the fragrance and colour of their foliage and their small flowers in various shades, while effectively discouraging the growth of weeds. These low varieties also decorate garden beds and balconies... Among our collection, you will undoubtedly find the ground cover geranium adapted to your situation!

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