Legal information
Promesse de Fleurs
1012 rue Roger Lecerf
Tel. +33 3 61 76 08 10
A limited company (SARL) with capital assets of EUR 81 645.
Company registration (SIRET) No 508 581 386 00036 - Primary line of business (APE) code 47.76Z.
Personal information
All the information in your account is solely used for the purposes of your commercial relationship with en.promesse de This information is never shared with or sold on to third parties. In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, the site is compliant with RGPD requirements and was registered with the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL - Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés) under No. 1351028.
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Roubaix France