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Cucurbita pepo Melonnette Jaspée de Vendée organic seeds - Winter squash

Cucurbita pepo Melonnette Jaspée de Vendée
Zucchini, Courgette

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They didn't sprout right away. So after 15 days, I got worried and planted other species elsewhere. Then they finally decided to grow, brilliantly. With 8 plants, I got 37 small pumpkins the size of a large melon. The taste is very delicate and makes excellent soups with curry, raz el Hanout.. They kept very well, and since they're not too big, one pumpkin makes a good soup for two. No leftovers to rot or freeze. It's very convenient.

isabelle, 20/02/2021

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This plant carries a 6 months recovery warranty

More information

'Melonnette Jaspée de Vendée' Pumpkin or Winter squash is a delicious, sweet-tasting French variety. The thick orange flesh is perfect for desserts. An excellent variety for long-term storage. Sow from April to June and harvest from August to October. Certified organic seeds.
Ease of cultivation
Height at maturity
50 cm
Spread at maturity
1 m
Soil moisture
Moist soil
Germination time (days)
8 days
Sowing method
Sowing under cover
Sowing period April to June
Flowering time May to July
Harvest time August to October


'Melonnette Jaspée de Vendée' Pumpkin or Winter squash is a delicious, sweet-tasting French variety. The thick orange flesh is perfect for desserts. Each non-trailing vine yields 5 to 7 melon-sized fruits, about 15 cm in diameter and 1-3 kg in weight. An excellent variety for long-term storage as flavours will develop over time. Sow from April to June and harvest from August to October

Orange, green, red, yellow, black or blue; smooth, ribbed, bumpy, hard-skinned, soft-skinned... Summer and winter squash comes in an astonishing array of shapes, colours and sizes due to their ability to hybridise easily. Winter squash refers to all pumpkins and squashes with tough skin and delicately sweet flesh. Summer squash, including courgettes (or zucchini), are different varieties that are harvested young, whilst the skin and seeds are still tender.

Both summer and winter squash are native to America and belong to the large Cucurbitaceae or gourd family (also known as cucurbits). They were introduced in Europe during the 16th century. The plants are generally annual vines that use tendrils for support. They are monoecious, meaning that both male and female flowers are produced on the same plant. Female flowers are easily identified by an inferior ovary located at the base of the flower, which will become a fruit when pollinated. The edible male squash blossoms are often harvested after pollination then fried or stuffed. The female flowers are edible too, however picking them will of course result in fewer fruits. Squash is a very versatile vegetable that is delicious roasted, in gratin or blended into delicious soups. Courgette is a staple ingredient in ratatouille, couscous and many other popular Mediterranean dishes. Both courgette and squash are low in calories and high in minerals and vitamins, especially provitamin A and vitamin B.

Harvesting: Squashes should preferably be harvested at full maturity, unless they are liable to rot when left on the plant. If this is the case, they can be brought indoors to ripen. Courgettes are harvested whilst they are still young and tender. Handle summer and winter squash with care to avoid damaging the skin.

Storage: Courgettes do not store well because of their fine skin. It is possible to freeze them in slices for later use. Thick-skinned winter squashes will keep for several months and can be eaten all winter long. Unlike other fruits and vegetables, they store better in a warm, dry place. No need to store them in the dark: they are great to decorate the house during the colder months!

Good to know: Placing the squash fruits on top of a slate or roof tile will keep them from being in direct contact with the ground. This prevents them from rotting due to excessive humidity. Squash and courgette plants favour moist soil and benefit from mulching, especially during the hotter summer months. Both are very prone to powdery mildew (a fungal disease that causes a white down to form on the surface of the leaves). When watering, try to avoid getting water on the leaves or flowers. Grow your squash plants alongside alliums such as chives, onions or shallots or members of the Fabaceae family (formerly legumes) such as beans or peas. Avoid growing them next to cucumber plants.

Even if the vegetable garden is first and foremost a place for growing great quality veg, it’s always a good idea to leave a bit of room for flowers. Growing flowers alongside your vegetable plants will make your general gardening experience more enjoyable and is a great way to attract pollinators and repel garden pests! Flowers such as gaillardia, marigolds, zinnias, cosmos or nasturtiums can be sown in and around the rows of vegetables. Herbs such as dill can be very useful also. Bear in mind that some companion plants self-seed easily and can be a bit invasive (borage, chives, lemon balm etc.)

NB. Organic seeds (in French "AB" for "Agriculture Biologique") are produced from plants that aren't treated with phytosanitary products (insecticides, weed killers). The seeds do not undergo post-harvest treatment. They carry the AB label and are approved by Ecocert, an independent structure.


Harvest time August to October
Type of vegetable Fruit vegetable
Vegetable colour yellow
Size of vegetable Medium
Fruit diameter 20 cm
Interest Flavour, Nutritional value, Colour
Flavour Sugary
Use Patisserie, Cooking

Plant habit

Height at maturity 50 cm
Spread at maturity 1 m
Growth rate normal


Foliage persistence Annual
Foliage colour dark green

Botanical data






Melonnette Jaspée de Vendée



Other common names

Zucchini, Courgette


Cultivar or hybrid

Annual / Perennial


Product reference 37851

Other Squash, Courgette and Pumpkin seeds

  1. 6
    4,90 € Seeds

  2. 6
    5,90 € Seeds

  3. 31
    2,50 € Seeds

  4. 17
    2,50 € Seeds

  5. 33
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Planting and care

Sowing Description: Sowing squash and courgette seeds is very rewarding both for the quick seedling emergence and ease of cultivation. They require well-drained soil rich in organic matter. They also require plenty of sunlight and plenty of water for beautiful fruits.  

Early Cultivation: In March and April, sow your seeds in groups of two or three in trays or pots with soil rich in organic matter. Cover lightly and then water to maintain a slight humidity. Germination is quite rapid: after about ten days, thin out by selecting the strongest seedlings, then transplant them into previously loosened soil. Each plant requires a lot of space. If possible, space them 1 m apart. Dig holes 20 to 25 cm in all directions and fill them two-thirds with compost. Position the young plant and replace the soil, then firm it down vigorously.

Seasonal Cultivation: Once all risk of frost has passed, i.e. late April or May depending on the region, sow groups of two to three seeds in place at a depth of 2/3 cm. Lightly firm the soil, then wait about ten days before the first shoots appear. When they reach a few cm, thin out, keeping only the strongest plants.

Harvesting begins as early as July for immaturely picked courgettes. Winter squashes are harvested in autumn. A simple method to know the right moment for harvesting is to observe the stem. If it is completely dry and the fruit is ready to detach itself, then they are ready.

  1. 19,50 €


Sowing period April to June
Sowing method Sowing under cover
Germination time (days) 8 days


Soil moisture Wet
Disease resistance Good
Pruning No pruning necessary

Intended location

Type of use Vegetable garden
Hardiness Hardy down to 1°C (USDA zone 10b) Show map
Ease of cultivation Beginner
Exposure Sun
Soil pH Any
Soil type Silty-loamy (rich and light), 130
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