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Geranium cantabrigiense collection

Geranium x cantabrigiense Cambridge, St Ola et 'Abpp' CRYSTAL ROSE

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Collection contains 3 plants

  • 1 x Geranium cantabrigiense Crystal Rose
  • 1 x Geranium cantabrigiense Cambridge
  • 1 x Geranium cantabrigiense St Ola

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This collection brings together 3 different varieties of perennial Geranium x cantabrigiense, 'Cambridge' with magenta pink flowers, 'St Ola', with white flowers, and 'Crystal Rose', with very bright pink flowers. They are characterised by a spreading habit, abundant flowering from late spring to mid-summer, and foliage that changes colour in autumn. They are excellent ground cover plants for the edge of flower beds or the base of deciduous trees.
Sun, Partial shade
Hardy down to -23°C
Soil type
Silty-loamy (rich and light)

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Best planting time March, October
Recommended planting time February to May, September to November
Flowering time May to July

Collection items (3 plants)

  • Geranium cantabrigiense Crystal Rose

    Price per single item: 7,90 €
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  • Geranium cantabrigiense Cambridge

    Price per single item: 6,90 €
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  • Geranium cantabrigiense St Ola

    Price per single item: 4,90 €
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This Collection of perennial Geranium x cantabrigiense features the best varieties to create a flowering and colourful ground cover at the base of deciduous trees, along borders or in a not too dry rockery. These small creeping plants generously bloom from May-June to July, with palmate, fragrant foliage that changes colour in autumn and can persist in winter. They are hardy, robust and undemanding.

The collection consists of:

1 x Geranium cantabrigiense 'Cambridge': this cultivar forms a cushion 25 cm tall and spreads through its stolons to a width of 35 to 45 cm, with flowers in a light magenta pink. Its foliage is a beautiful bright light green during the season, turning reddish in autumn and winter.

1 x Geranium x cantabrigiense 'St Ola': it produces numerous pinkish buds opening into pure white flowers, of a good size, which stand out well against its rich olive green foliage. The vegetation turns light red in autumn.

1 x Geranium cantabrigiense 'Crystal Rose': a more compact variety (15-20 cm tall by 30 cm wide), interesting for its almost fluorescent pink flowering, and fragrant foliage that turns orange in autumn.

The perennial Geranium x cantabrigiense are charming ground cover plants, comfortable in both full sun and partial shade and easy to grow in any garden soil which is not too heavy. This collection of 3 different varieties will flower at the base of trees, the edges of a border or elegantly highlight the curve of a pathway. The 'Crystal Rose' variety is more compact and less exuberant than the other two and should be placed in the foreground. Easily create a small English-style flowerbed by planting dwarf columbines, bellflowers for rockeries and walls, and foxgloves amidst these geraniums. Also, consider planting them at the base of your English shrub roses. For a beautiful effect within 3 years, plan for 7 to 9 plants per square metre.


Flower colour two-tone
Flowering time May to July
Flower size 3 cm
Bee-friendly Attracts pollinators


Foliage persistence Semi-evergreen
Foliage colour green

Plant habit

Height at maturity 25 cm
Spread at maturity 50 cm
Growth rate normal

Botanical data




x cantabrigiense


Cambridge, St Ola et 'Abpp' CRYSTAL ROSE



Other common names



Cultivar or hybrid

Planting and care

Plant your Geranium x cantabrigiense in full sun or partial shade. These easy-to-grow plants withstand cold weather very well and thrive in any well-drained, loose soil that is not too dry in summer. Water them regularly for the first six weeks to promote establishment, especially during very dry summers.

Planting period

Best planting time March, October
Recommended planting time February to May, September to November

Intended location

Suitable for Meadow, Rockery, Woodland edge
Type of use Edge of border, Slope
Hardiness Hardy down to -23°C (USDA zone 6a) Show map
Ease of cultivation Beginner
Planting density 8 per m2
Exposure Sun, Partial shade
Soil pH Any
Soil type Silty-loamy (rich and light)
Soil moisture Moist soil, ordinary, well-prepared, well-drained


Pruning instructions After flowering, it is a good idea to prune the stems and leaves close to the ground to prevent excessive self-seeding, obtain new foliage, and encourage a second flowering.
Pruning Pruning recommended once a year
Pruning time August to October
Disease resistance Very good
Overwinter Can be left in the ground

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