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Green-leaved Weigela

30 results

30  results


A selection of Weigela or green-leaved Weigelias among the best varieties. These are deciduous bushes that are easy to grow, with small green, discreet leaves that perfectly highlight a generous flowering in late spring. There are varieties of all sizes with varied flowerings at Weigelia: large bushes of 2.5m (8ft) like the classic Weigela florida 'Bristol Ruby', the pretty form 'Rosea' also vigorous, but with a more pastel pink colour, the hybrid Weigela 'Candida' with its large white flowers. There are also medium-sized varieties like 'Red Prince' with intense red colour, a bush about 1.30m (4ft) tall. For pots and small gardens, opt for compact varieties like the Weigela Nain rouge ® courtanin cov, 'Picobella Bianco' with white flowers...


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