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Colour-changing hydrangeas

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67  results


Some hydrangeas display a refined elegance: instead of showing a uniform and constant hue, their flowers subtly evolve over the weeks. This sparks curiosity and extends the appeal of a bed for many months! It also tempts us with unprecedented combinations of perennials that will succeed each other in harmony with these changing colours. 
Among the Hydrangea macrophylla, the Magical series is particularly shimmering: 'Jade' has flowers with green sepals that then turn to pinkish-white and then crimson, 'Noblesse' is white and then turns to apple green and red, 'Ruby Tuesday' opens bright green and then turns to purple-red.
This trait is also found in many paniculate and oakleaf hydrangeas: white when the flowers open, they will then be tinged with pink ('Pinky Winky'), red ('Diamant Rouge'), or a mix of green and pink ('Pastelgreen'). H. paniculata 'Limelight' opens jade green, becomes white, and then turns green again as it fades! 
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